Acessando a pasta que contém a instalação do TFA e executando o comando UNINSTALL:
[oracle@oel7 bin]$ cd ~/oracle.ahf/bin
[oracle@oel7 bin]$ ./tfactl uninstall
Starting AHF Uninstall
NOTE : Uninstalling does not return all the space used by the AHF repository
AHF will be uninstalled on:
Do you want to continue with AHF uninstall ? [Y]|N : Y
Stopping AHF service on local node oel7...
Stopping TFA Support Tools...
Removing AHF setup on oel7:
Removing /home/oracle/oracle.ahf/rpms
Removing /home/oracle/oracle.ahf/jre
Removing /home/oracle/oracle.ahf/common
Removing /home/oracle/oracle.ahf/bin
Removing /home/oracle/oracle.ahf/python
Removing /home/oracle/oracle.ahf/analyzer
Removing /home/oracle/oracle.ahf/tfa
Removing /home/oracle/oracle.ahf/orachk
Removing /home/oracle/oracle.ahf/ahf
Removing /home/oracle/oracle.ahf/data/oel7
Removing /home/oracle/oracle.ahf/
[oracle@oel7 bin]$